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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Etiquette Essay

This was essay that was assigned to me by my mother a while ago. Hope you enjoy:]

Being polite and conversational is part of everyday life, and should be automatic. How would you expect to make any friends if you don’t converse with anyone? That is what this essay is about, how to be conversational and kind.

First of all I have learned that it is best not to enter a room looking displeased. Even if you are not trying to look upset or angry, try to smile. If you just naturally look displeased, try thinking of pleasant things. Such as sun flowers, or golden retrievers. Things that always looks content. Once you have the first step down, you may proceed to the next.

The next step would be to greet others. Make the effort to greet others. Smile and say hi, ask how their day was or how they are. If you are shy this may be somewhat difficult, but try to do so any ways. It will not kill you, if anything it will be beneficial. If worst comes to worst, they will just not say anything. If that happens then it is not the end of the world. You can always try again another day. Also be sure to say good bye when leaving.

There are many things that you could do to show that you have taken an interest in some one, such as mentioning what you might have spoken about before. That would show that haven’t for gotten them.

Those are just a few things that you could start out with, and from there it should all just come naturally. Remember to smile, that is the main component. If you smile things are bound to go well.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Purple Pigs

Bonjour chacun, first off I would like to recommend that everyone check out a blog created by a dear friend of mine called The Dinner Club. If you like food, check it out, you can find it in the blogs I follow. Next up, I would like to mention that I am currently almost done with another video (YAY!) If have not seen my video's before, they are the ones on the right with the heading "Video Bar". Very difficult, I know. Yet I still expect you all to be highly capable to do so. Now do so. But any who, I am mentioning this to let you know that I am kinda drawing a blank for my next video after this one. Sooooo, I was hoping that all you creative people out there could help me out some. It would be much appreciated if in the comments you put the name of a song and an idea or theme for the video. Then I will take those lovely little helpful hints and place them in my consideration bank. Then lastly, I will chose the most creative, imaginative and AWESOME(!) idea. I am terribly sorry if this post was not funny what so ever, next time I will put the utmost effort in to making humorous. Adieu
-D. U. Key
P.S. like the way I change my way of speaking near the end? :P

Monday, December 20, 2010

Florence + The Machine

Wanted to share this greatness with you guys. I saw her live awhile ago. When you are in the audience listening to her live, its almost eerie and sends chills up your back.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I am not quiet sure how I am going to do this yet but I am going to work on it. I am going to divide my blog in to three main things that I will talk about. First my Imaginary thoughts and what i have been writing on. Second, updates on the books I am currently writing, This section will also include suggestions. Thirdly I will review YA books. I am already constantly reading books already, why not write on them as well? Any who I would just like to have in put from my followers and was wondering if they would be interested in that. THANK YOU!!!!
-D.U. Key

Monday, December 6, 2010


Hello world wide web! I am back! I have had an unbelievably busy few weeks, full of school work, ballet, rehearsals for the nutcracker and being sick. Any who, hope all is well for those few who actually read this nonsense. I have been writing, as in working on my books, recently (meaning today and yesterday) and am kinda stuck but not really. It is strange I know what I want to write but not sure how to come about it. Oh I also have received two new followers for this blog and I would like to thank them for liking or pretending to like my blabbering:) Welcome to my Imaginary thoughts! Soon I will have some new made up conversations. Also you can comment and request any thing you like, I will gladly accept it! ta ta for now!
-D.U. Key

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I have come to a new realization. That is that there are a few things that I absolutely love and obsess over. One of which is Gwen Sefani, which I already new, i just love her. She pretty, original, talented, awsome sense of style that incorporates a lot of my favorites like retro and punk. Now the more recent obsession that i have discovered is Audrey Hepburn. I see her as if not the most beautiful, one of them. I am not so shallow as to only like her for her looks. She also has great talent and fashion sense (I see a pattern here) and she was a ballerina when she was young, AND she did a lot of humanitarian work when she got older. Where I'm going with this is that I practically collect any thing madde by Gwen Stafani and if i see any thing with Audrey I HAVE to get my hands on it. Well now that i have shared one of my flaws with you, do you have any thing you obsess over? It doesn't have to be a peerson like me, any thing. I would just like to know I'm not the only one. Over and out.
-D.U. Key

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Imaginary conversation

I decided to go back to why I made my blog, MY IMAGINARY THOUGHTS!! So here goes my latest imaginary conversation:
ME- Hello Mr. RPG (Russian Posse, as in ballet, Guy)(My ballet teacher).
RPG- Hello Sinead (In a Russian accent).
ME- Why do you work us so hard?
RPG- Well because you need to. You are terrible, all of you. I myself have danced with Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow, and you are nothing compared to them.
ME- oh.
RPG- Also because I am Russian and have a reputation to protect.
ME- I see.
RPG- good, now go and stretch. You must have over splits by the end of tonight.
Keep in mind that this is an IMAGINARY dialogue, he is actually pretty nice and funny. But looks and talks scary.

-Live long and prosper.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Video bar

As you probably have noticed (if you regularly check my blog) I have added a new gadget, it is of all the video's i have posted of youtube. Hope you like them, if not please let me know! thanks.

Friday, October 15, 2010

New pic

As you can tell I have changed my background picture, as much as i loved my last one it was time for a change.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bon Jour!

Salut tous le monde. Je sais un peux de francias, et je veux écrire on francais. Ma francias n'est pas le plus bon, mais j'essaye. On mon classe française j'ai fait un projet sur la danseuse.

Agnès Letestu était née 1971. Puis une fois quand elle regard la télévision elle a vu La Lac des Cygnes et décidé à commencer faire le ballet Tout d’abord lui était juste un passe temps, mais son mètre M. Bertin encouragé lui á auditionner pour l’école de ballet d’opéra. Quand elle était dix ans, elle a commencé à s'occuper. Elle est devenue la première danseuse a l’école. A l’âge 16 elle est admise dans la corps du ballet.

En 1988 elle était promue à Coryphée, puis en 1989 Sujet, et 1993 elle était première danseuse. Rudolf Noureev, le chorégraphe et le danseur de renommée du monde, a choisis elle pour danser le rôle premier de Gamzatti. Elle aussi a fait les rôles des Odette et Odile, après ça elle était nommée danseuse étoile.

Dans 1989 elle a reçue un médaille d’or du prix de danse d'Eurovision, puis en 1990 elle a reçue un notre médaille d’or de la concurrence de danse de Varna. Dans 2009 elle est arrive à la fin de sa carrier de danse. Mais elle enseigne toujours.

Elle a marié un l’homme françaises et a 2 fille, Marion et Solenn. Marion reçu la talent de sa mère, et s’occupe de France la plupart d’école prestigieuse de ballet. Mais Solenn n’as pas la force pour fiat le ballet.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Okay now I should post part of my time period story. I have been putting off because I don't have it typed, it is hand written in a journal. Enough laziness, here it is:

During the dance of the Black Swan I was in amazement. Natishka
a dancer in the company from Russia danced so beautifully I didn't want to go back on stage, because compared to her my dancing looked incomplete and inexperienced. Natishka's perfect black hair was in a bun with a curl of hair on each side of her face near her cheek bone. Her fierce violet eyes pierced the air, her make up made her eyes come to a finer point. Her black tutu had gold and purple stitching and beads, on her head was black feathered crown. Kirov's hands where on her waist, she had her arms on the shape of a V, her leg almost just as high. At the end of the dance Natishka threw her self at her partner who lifted her in the air. They walked off together Natishka on his shoulder. The lights dimmed and she limped off stage. "Are you alright?" I asked, she just looked at me.
"I'm fine" she replied frustratedly, I wanted to find out what was wrong but i had to finish the second act. During the second intermission I asked what had happened. "Nothing of great importance just an over worked muscle.".... (After the show has ended) I went to my dressing room and started to removed my pointes , and take off my sweaty tutu. While I stated take my head piece out of my hair Madaline ran in. She was still in her swan costume; a white feathered tutu slightly different from my own. Her torso and ears where covered in feathers.
"Oh mon dieu, oh mon dieu OH MON DIEU!!!!" she was running around the small dressing room as if i weren't there.
"What ever is the matter?" I asked pulling out the dress Ms. Chivosky requested that I wear to meet the "Important guests".
"Oh Josette! i did not see you there, can you believe HE was here watching us! Oh what an honor!" she said full of excitement.
"What are you talking about?" I asked
"You do not know who came to see us? Do you not talk to any one?" she asked in return.
"sorry to disappoint you but I don't make it a habit to talk to others while on stage."
"The prince was here! Prince Alfred of England and close royal friends where here watching us!"

Well I wasn't sure what to share with you, I am sure you can guess who the romance is going to be between, but who knows if you are correct.
-D.U. Key

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Das ist miene neues Video(Greman). This is my new video!(English)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


At the request of my mother I am posting a paragraph I had to write for school that has my vocab words,and is about my preferred way of being informed by the media.

I enjoy reading gossip magazines; I find that is my preferred way to keep informed. They always seem to have a sense of ubiquity. I realize that their information is incredulous, but I like their sensationalism. I also find the colorfulness very compelling. They also always have those intriguing captions. To be honest I cannot get enough of the scandals. The writing style is also robust and even if it isn’t credible, which I like. It shows that they don’t care if they could be wrong. I suppose that it is “Yellow Journalism”, and bias, but I prefer their outlandishness. I also like when an article has an opinion, it make them seem more human. Now you know, I like amplified stories with pretty pictures.

personally, i think its funny and i am very proud of it:)

-D.U. Key

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I ask that you please visit my you tube channel please!!! I have some video's that i am proud of, and am current working on one that i think is my best yet!!! Any who this is the link:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

War story

Today I will be sharing another story i have no title for. In the poll it is know as "the thought provoking war story". Here it is:

On a hill sat girl and her rabbit. The rabbit was light brown with black splotches. But of was not solid black, but rather black hairs grouped around certain areas. The girl had slightly tanned skin, and brown shoulder length hair. She had light brown eyes, and had a little weight. The girl was watching the sun set as she stroked the rabbit’s fur.

"Princess! Princess!" someone was shouting worriedly. The girl just rolled her eyes. "Oh, no! The queen will surely punish me if I don't find her!" he mumbled. The girl hated how weak her country was. Everyone is always hiding, eating and getting angry and doing nothing about it.
The man kept calling the princess, but got no reply. Finally someone else came.

"Joëlle! You get down here this instant!" called a very angry woman. The girl sighed and got up.

"Coming mother." she called back. As she started to walk down the hill the rabbit followed. Once she reached the bottom she faced a very angry woman.

"Yes, mother?" the woman didn't say anything. So the girl picked up her rabbit and started to walk in to the cave in the hill.

"Stop right there young lady." She stopped. "Do you realize that I am supposed to be talking with representatives from the other countries? But I can't, because I have to deal with my inconsiderate daughter!" she yelled the last two words. "Now, you will go in there and sit quietly and speak only when spoken to. Is that under stood."

"Yes my queen." she said sarcastically while bowing.

"You WILL be having a talk with your father after the dinner." she said in a serious tone. But the girl kept walking. When she reached the dining hall she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to see her mother smiling at her. An older man with black hair walked toward her. He had as kind smile and winkles around his eyes that showed he had that smile on his face quite a lot.

"Hello princess Joëlle." he bowed. She curtsied. "I am Jarred my sister is married to King Humphrey of Ekkehardt."

"Good evening..." she started, not knowing his title.


"Good evening Duke Jarred. I hope you traveled comfortably." she said. Knowing her mother wanted her to make small talk.

"Quite comfortably, thank you. I think I should like to bring my nephew here. The hills are very lovely." replied the duke.

"Next week the flowers will start to bloom, I suggest that he comes then. It will be much prettier then." she was finished talking to him for now so she curtsied and walked to the next person. "Good evening..."

"Your daughter is very, how I should put it, dutiful. At the fact that she should greet every guest that is." the Duke said to the queen.

"Yes, that is something I believe should be instilled in to children as soon as possible." replied the queen. "Especially children who are part of court." he nodded. "I do believe it is time that we head to the dining hall. Do you mind escorting me? It seems my husband seems to be elsewhere."

"Not at all your highness." he bowed. She placed her hand on the back of his that was out stretched. At the head of the table sat the queen. To her right the king, to her left the guest of honor, Duke Jarred. Some other guests on both sides, the princess then fifteen other people sitting in order of rank.
The princess kept quiet, listening to the others conversations. The first entrée had come; five more courses and she could leave.

"I have just recently seen the young princess Riona, she is quite beautiful." An older woman with dark brown hair said. Clearly one of the queen’s guests. "She is very accomplished as well. She can dance, and draw very well for the age of six." she leaned toward the person next to her and said, "Quite unlike another princess that we know of."

Hope you enjoyed it!