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Saturday, November 26, 2011


This is a book review post that I am going to do just for fun:) NOT part of the 2012 debut author challenge. I read the book Vincent Boys. Let me just say, it is addicting!!! I started reading it at 9PM, and stayed up until 2AM to finish it. In stead of going on about the synopsis I'll just give you this link. Any who it was great! I felt that the situations were plausible, and the characters believable. If you know me, you may know I like to relate things to songs/music sooooo..... HERE! I can't think of any song that fits this book as well as this song. Well, maybe I could, but what ever:) I realize this isn't much of a review, but I just wanted to recommend you all read it. For warring! If you don't like Young Adult or romantic books, don't check it out:)

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