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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Etiquette Essay

This was essay that was assigned to me by my mother a while ago. Hope you enjoy:]

Being polite and conversational is part of everyday life, and should be automatic. How would you expect to make any friends if you don’t converse with anyone? That is what this essay is about, how to be conversational and kind.

First of all I have learned that it is best not to enter a room looking displeased. Even if you are not trying to look upset or angry, try to smile. If you just naturally look displeased, try thinking of pleasant things. Such as sun flowers, or golden retrievers. Things that always looks content. Once you have the first step down, you may proceed to the next.

The next step would be to greet others. Make the effort to greet others. Smile and say hi, ask how their day was or how they are. If you are shy this may be somewhat difficult, but try to do so any ways. It will not kill you, if anything it will be beneficial. If worst comes to worst, they will just not say anything. If that happens then it is not the end of the world. You can always try again another day. Also be sure to say good bye when leaving.

There are many things that you could do to show that you have taken an interest in some one, such as mentioning what you might have spoken about before. That would show that haven’t for gotten them.

Those are just a few things that you could start out with, and from there it should all just come naturally. Remember to smile, that is the main component. If you smile things are bound to go well.

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