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Saturday, November 26, 2011


This is a book review post that I am going to do just for fun:) NOT part of the 2012 debut author challenge. I read the book Vincent Boys. Let me just say, it is addicting!!! I started reading it at 9PM, and stayed up until 2AM to finish it. In stead of going on about the synopsis I'll just give you this link. Any who it was great! I felt that the situations were plausible, and the characters believable. If you know me, you may know I like to relate things to songs/music sooooo..... HERE! I can't think of any song that fits this book as well as this song. Well, maybe I could, but what ever:) I realize this isn't much of a review, but I just wanted to recommend you all read it. For warring! If you don't like Young Adult or romantic books, don't check it out:)

Friday, October 21, 2011


Okay, so really I should be doing home work right now, but I've stressed about it and want to take a break. Whew. um I don't exactly have any thing significant to talk about so I am going to post some pictures I find relaxing. You may not, but hey, every ones different:)

I personally LOVE cherry blossoms they make me so happy and calm.

This just makes me want to sleep in that bed. Big plushy bed, surrounded by water. What could be better?

From personal experience, I can say that there is something to be said for just hanging out back stage with people you see every day for hours on end just chillin'.

Just beautiful and wonderful:)

Again the cherry blossoms:)
Okay so I guess that they aren't relaxing per-say.....

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry for such a long gap of nothing.... thought I might as well and the period of nothingness by posting some pictures I happen to find inspire me:)

First of all, this says sooooo much to me. I feel it tells more than just one story.

This one is very eerie is it not:)

UUUHHHH! I LOVE that sinister look of hers, it either means she plays the part even after the performance, or that she has become her character.....

Stunning is it not? I fully expect to were a dress much the same as this one next time I look in a telescope:)
-P.S. this photo totally makes me think of an alternate future!
I am not quite sure why I absolutely LOVE this photo, but I think it has some thing to do with the fact that the guy is very attractive (in my opinion) and that he is obviously really trying to get the girl. And she knows it:)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Sorry I've been gone!!!! I just finished school (pretty much) and my ballet June recital, so now I have time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any who if you remember my post about a story idea having to do wit the world of imagination, this is a follow up. An updated list of characters and a picture of a dress they (and I) would wear.

Another world

Aislinn (dream/vision)-land

(Dusk is to dark kingdom and dawn is to light kingdom, but are twins.)

Duchess of Dusk: Zoria(dusk) - grey eyes, brown hair, obedient and willing, protective over empress.

Duchess of Dawn: Zarya (Dawn)- grey eyes brown hair, happier and more talkative.

Empress of the Night: Vesper (star)- silky black hair, quiet patient and a good listener, DARK endless eyes.

Winter Queen: Eirwen (Snow white/lovely)- silver starry white hair, very light blue eyes, pale porcelain skin, cold and harsh.

Autumn Princess: Enya (Flame)- Deep red shiny hair, deep green eyes, strong silent and capable.

Empress of Light: Rowen(white) - Golden eyes and golden platinum hair, kind and willing, Italian skin.

Summer Queen: Aurina (golden lady)- ocean blue eyes, golden blonde hair, happy,

Princess of Spring: Lavrne (Spring)- very light pink hair, hazel eyes with flecks of gold, generous but vicious with wronged.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Audrey Hepburn

Okay, this post is dedicated to Audrey Hepburn because yesterday (May4) was her birth day. I know I should have done it yesterday, and that I don't do birthday's but...... oh well:)
from the movie Sabrina
Audrey and Fred Astaire

Monday, April 4, 2011


I know I don't usually talk about books on here (never before actually),and I realize that there are enough book blogs out there, but JUST finished reading Delirium by Lauren Oliver and absolutely LOVED IT!!!!! It was very well written. In the futuristic/distopia type of America were love is thought of as a disease that needs to be cured. The author did a fantastic job on this. It progressed just at the right pace to make it seem believable, and the main character Lena felt so real. It is extremely touching(at least it was for me), and it showed how much we take for granted being able to do simple things to express our emotions, like listening to music. I highly recommend this book. It obviously has romance in it:) so if you love YA and a touching, exhilarating read, please pick it up!

P.S. Songs to listen to while reading (if you do that sort of thing) they all relate to the story in some way or another: 1.White Blank Page Mumford and Sons, 2. Hold on to what you believe Mumford and sons(again), 3. Fidelity Regina Spektor, 4. Hardest of Hearts Florence + the Machine, 5. Falling Florence +the Machine, 6. The Calculation Regina Spektor, 7. Just like U said it would be Sinead O'Connor, 8. Invasion Eisley, 9. Dreams The Cranberries, 10. Zombie The Cranberries, 11. You picked me A Fine Frenzy, 12. Early Winter Gwen Stafani, 13. Love Judy Garland, 14. Armour Love La Roux, 15. Like a Song Lenka, 16. Haunted when the Minutes Drag Love&Rockets, 17. You must love me (sang by Madonna, from musical Evita), 18. Endlessly Muse, 19. It's all your Fault Pink, 20. Running No Doubt. To make it easier for you here is a link to the music, just to show how much I want you to read this.
Sinead T.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

War story

THIS IS A DRAFT!!!!!!! Of a part of my War Story:

“Joëlle!” shouted a voice. She rolled her eyes. “Joëlle!” this time her name was yelled much louder and sterner. She stood up from her chair and then grabbed her rabbit as well. She walked out of the old library and started down the hall. She then reached her mother in the hall. “Where were you.” The queen asked.
“No were of importance.” The young girl replied. Her mother kept her gaze. Her daughter just stood there.
“Very well, it matters not.” said the queen. “But what does matter is that soon Prince Abelard will be here. It will be your duty to accompany him.”
“Will his Uncle be coming as well” she asked.
“Yes. Why?” questioned her mother.
“It is just that I enjoyed his company the last time he visited.” She replied. Her mother smiled slightly.
“Well then, I will expect to see you at supper tonight.” At that her mother turned and walked away. Joëlle sighed. She went through the halls of her palace without any thought. She knew every corner and room. She grew up exploring all the nooks and crannies. Her favorite room was a old and forgotten library that had all the reject books that didn’t make it in to the newer library when it was built years ago. She loved being in the library because was small and was never visited by anyone but herself. When she wanted to be alone, which was often, she would just go there and escape from her life for an hour or two. It was only there that she would break down her walls and expose herself emotionally. She glanced up at the ancient grandfather clock in the corner. Quarter to six, nearly time for supper. She sighed, another evening of sitting quietly and speaking only when spoken to.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I don't know if it is just me but it seems as though steampunk has gotten very popular recently. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE steampunk, always had, but until recently its been more of an under ground thing. I posted this video 1. because I love Panic at the Disco, (saw them live twice and were amazing both times!) and 2. because they are very steampunk in this video. For those of you who don't know what steam-punk is, here is a definition from WIKI:Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction, alternate history, and speculative fiction that came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s.[1] Specifically, steampunk involves an era or world where steam power is still widely used—usually the 19th century and often Victorian era Britain—that incorporates prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy. If you would like to look further in to this genre, see the book Leviathan, as well as the girl in the steel corset, corsets & clockwork, and the band Abney Park. or you could just google it:P

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Okay, here's the deal, I was listening to the song sung by the Queen of the Night from Mozart's opera the magic flute when an UBER cool idea came to me (for a story that is). A whole different world that has been made up by the imagination of humans. Let me explain. Take for example the Snow Queen, by Hans Christen Anderson, their are various different queens representing different seasons. Well in my world, since they were imagined and made real through his book, they are real in this world. The same with the Queen of the night. Any ways, I expanded on this idea a little more, as well as changed some things, and this is what I have (for characters):

Another world

Dark Court

Empress of the Night: Versper (star)- silky black hair, quiet patient and a good listener, DARK endless eyes.

Duchess of Dusk: Aislinn (dream/vision)- grey eyes, brown hair, obedient and willing, protective over empress. [lady in waiting to Empress]

Winter Queen: Eirwen (Snow white/lovely- Platinum blonde hair, very light blue eyes, pale porcelain skin, cold and harsh. [Daughter of Empress]

Autumn Princess: Enya (Flame)- Deep red shiny hair, deep green eyes, strong silent and capable. [Daughter of queen]

Light Court

Empress of Light: Aurina (golden lady)- Golden eyes and hair, kind and willing. Italian skin

Duchess of Dawn: Zarya (Dawn)- grey eyes brown hair, happier and more talkative. [lady in waiting to empress]

Summer Queen: Hefina (summer)- ocean blue eyes, honey brown (slightly blonde) hair, happy, golden. [Daughter of Empress]

Princess of Spring: Lavrne (Spring)- Strawberry blonde hair with hints of pink, hazel eyes with flecks of gold, generous but vicious with wronged. [daughter of Queen]
P.S. Both duchesses are twins to each other.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Top two pictures are from Giselle, my all time favorite ballet. The last two are swan lake.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I don’t know if you have figured this out yet or not, but I LOVE Florence + the Machine. Not just Florence, and not because she is British with red hair (which is plenty of reason already!), but because she is a music genius. All of her songs invoke so much emotion when you listen to them. Every time I hear them I feel as if I have been transported to a whole new world. They are so inspiring, and beautiful. Not only does she have an amazing ear and sense for writing music, but uh have you heard that voice?!?!? The best thing since Sinead O'Connor & Björk. I realize that I am just going on and on about this band/person and you are probably wondering "What happened to imaginary thoughts?" Well the fact is that since I have started listening to her, that’s where they come from:)
-Sinead Tygerlilly