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Thursday, February 3, 2011


I don’t know if you have figured this out yet or not, but I LOVE Florence + the Machine. Not just Florence, and not because she is British with red hair (which is plenty of reason already!), but because she is a music genius. All of her songs invoke so much emotion when you listen to them. Every time I hear them I feel as if I have been transported to a whole new world. They are so inspiring, and beautiful. Not only does she have an amazing ear and sense for writing music, but uh have you heard that voice?!?!? The best thing since Sinead O'Connor & Björk. I realize that I am just going on and on about this band/person and you are probably wondering "What happened to imaginary thoughts?" Well the fact is that since I have started listening to her, that’s where they come from:)
-Sinead Tygerlilly


  1. I've never heard of her before...I'm listening to her as I type...I like it. A lot. I love artists with this kind of a style. Nice taste.

  2. It is nice. The first time I heard The Dog Days Are Over on a commercial..I was hooked. My favorite by far out of all of their songs is Heavy In Your Arms. She has a GORGEOUS voice. :D Like Simone said, great taste.
