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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

War story

THIS IS A DRAFT!!!!!!! Of a part of my War Story:

“Joëlle!” shouted a voice. She rolled her eyes. “Joëlle!” this time her name was yelled much louder and sterner. She stood up from her chair and then grabbed her rabbit as well. She walked out of the old library and started down the hall. She then reached her mother in the hall. “Where were you.” The queen asked.
“No were of importance.” The young girl replied. Her mother kept her gaze. Her daughter just stood there.
“Very well, it matters not.” said the queen. “But what does matter is that soon Prince Abelard will be here. It will be your duty to accompany him.”
“Will his Uncle be coming as well” she asked.
“Yes. Why?” questioned her mother.
“It is just that I enjoyed his company the last time he visited.” She replied. Her mother smiled slightly.
“Well then, I will expect to see you at supper tonight.” At that her mother turned and walked away. Joëlle sighed. She went through the halls of her palace without any thought. She knew every corner and room. She grew up exploring all the nooks and crannies. Her favorite room was a old and forgotten library that had all the reject books that didn’t make it in to the newer library when it was built years ago. She loved being in the library because was small and was never visited by anyone but herself. When she wanted to be alone, which was often, she would just go there and escape from her life for an hour or two. It was only there that she would break down her walls and expose herself emotionally. She glanced up at the ancient grandfather clock in the corner. Quarter to six, nearly time for supper. She sighed, another evening of sitting quietly and speaking only when spoken to.

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