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Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Sorry I've been gone!!!! I just finished school (pretty much) and my ballet June recital, so now I have time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any who if you remember my post about a story idea having to do wit the world of imagination, this is a follow up. An updated list of characters and a picture of a dress they (and I) would wear.

Another world

Aislinn (dream/vision)-land

(Dusk is to dark kingdom and dawn is to light kingdom, but are twins.)

Duchess of Dusk: Zoria(dusk) - grey eyes, brown hair, obedient and willing, protective over empress.

Duchess of Dawn: Zarya (Dawn)- grey eyes brown hair, happier and more talkative.

Empress of the Night: Vesper (star)- silky black hair, quiet patient and a good listener, DARK endless eyes.

Winter Queen: Eirwen (Snow white/lovely)- silver starry white hair, very light blue eyes, pale porcelain skin, cold and harsh.

Autumn Princess: Enya (Flame)- Deep red shiny hair, deep green eyes, strong silent and capable.

Empress of Light: Rowen(white) - Golden eyes and golden platinum hair, kind and willing, Italian skin.

Summer Queen: Aurina (golden lady)- ocean blue eyes, golden blonde hair, happy,

Princess of Spring: Lavrne (Spring)- very light pink hair, hazel eyes with flecks of gold, generous but vicious with wronged.

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