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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bon Jour!

Hola!!!! Like how the title is French then I star with Spanish? Well today i got my new cello! It's a very pretty metallic purple. As shown in the picture, with my dog Gandalf. Well thats that, also I added a new poll to help me decide which of my books I should finish writing first. Hmmm, whats new. I started school... Oh! On Saturday i auditioned for RPG's (see first post) Nutcraker, and, I also auditioned to be in a dance for YAGP. which stands for Yogurt, Apples, Grapes, and Peaches. No, just kidding, that was a bad joke. I actually stands for Youth Annual Grand Pris. It's a national dance competition. If you do really well in the regionals, you go to New York. I'm just going to be in a group dance for the regional. hmmmmm. Well I guess that it for now, Ta Ta For Now!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful picture. I auditioned for a production as well. I didn't know you played the cello. Brava!
