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Friday, September 24, 2010


I decided to put up an excerpt from each book. Then those few who actually read this blog can make a choice. Today I am putting up a "snippet" from my time travel story. And tomorrow... I don't know. We'll find out when it comes to that. Well here it is:

The man stared at me and widened his stance. My face was covered so he knew not that I was a girl. Why would he expect a girl to be wearing a full armor any ways? No matter how badly I did not want to fight this man, it was too late. So I drew out my Kanata and waited for him to do the same. Once he did there was no holding back. I came at him with full force. He took his sword and blocked me at the first hits, I didn't stop until he fell to the floor. I knelt to check his pulse. This was highly unnecessary for I already knew he was only unconscious. So I stood up and walked down the hill, when I reached the bottom I checked that I was visible to no one. In a flash I was gone.
The next thing I saw was a metal wall. I was in a vacant room made completely of stainless steel. I walked toward one of the walls and pressed my hand against it. The metal around my hand turned blue. The wall then slid away. I steeped in to a corridor. As people passed by me they nodded and greeted. I didn't say anything; I just kept my focus forward and walked. I turned left and walked in to a busy room full of people rushing around. Some were talking on their Bluetooth's while some ran by with papers in their arms. Above the chaos, the cubicles and the touch screen computers was a hologram showing the list of top agents.

1. #57 Cedric
2. #45 Hanley
3. #47 Randa
4. #46 Renard
5. # 63 Audra

Hanley was technically number one because Cedric was gone, disappeared, in the unknown. When someone dies on the job, "They" know, and somehow the body finds its way back to the headquarters. So it was known he was not dead. As a result they kept his name on the number one spot until things were absolute.
"Audra!" yelled a voice that wouldn't have been audible to the untrained ear. I turned to see a small man with dark brown hair looking at me from across the room. I walked over and gave a quick small smile. Even if he was the smallest of The Experiments he was also one of the best swordsmen the headquarters ever had. “When did you get back from feudal Japan?” he asked. I was silent for a few seconds.
“Now, three minutes.” I replied. He chuckled.

Hope you enjoyed it!
- D.u. Key

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