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Monday, August 23, 2010


So, on Saturday I went to a Weezer concert that followed right after the Del Mar Horse Races. needless to say it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was every thing I had hoped, considering I had always dreamed of going to a Weezer concert! They played all of thier old songs, which honestly are much better then their most recent ones, except for "If you're wondering if I want you to" and a new song from their new album coming out soon. At that show they preformed their new song for the first time ever (I think it was called Memories)! They also played my favorite song "Undone", A.K.A the sweater song, second. Oh and did I mention that I was in the front of the pit? Which was only thanks to my standing there three or four hours before hand, but it was totally worth it. Let me also just say, NEVER go to a rock concert and be in the crowd without someone big like my Papa-San. If it where not for him, BLT's sister Kammie and I would have been destroyed. Through out the entire duration of the concert, TWO mosh pit's where formed near us, and the second REALLY near us. Also there is a lot of pushing during concerts. Thank You Big Rhino! lol:) The show was sooooo entertaining, at one point they did a MGMT cover of "Kids" which was done really well all things considered. I'm sure some of you have seen it on youtube and know what came next. River Cuomo came out in a blond wig and started to sing "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga, it was priceless!!!!! I highly recommed you see a weezer concert if at all possible. Weezer and No Doubt have been the best Concerts I have seen. Any who, I wanted to ask some advise from the few people out there who read this blog, I have no point to my blog. I kinda just ramble on about random things and hope to be funny. Let me know what you think of my posts please and what I should add or change. Well thats all for today folks!
-Weezer Queen out =w=


  1. Omg! So not fair!! Lol. Thats so cool!

  2. I'm diggin the fish thing.. oh n im rlly happy u enjoyed the weezer concert! :D
