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Saturday, August 14, 2010

SO Sorry!

Sorry for not posting anything in the longest time! As I'm typing this I am watching Fred Astaire dance in the movie Broadway Melody of 1940. A recommended movie for you all to see. It also makes me wish I could tap dance. Well I have just finished my summer ballet intensive. Which I fell during rehearsals in the last week, kinda embarrassing. But what I am excited about is for the few days I get to just vegetate! Hooray for laziness!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually The last few days of intensive was bitter sweet, I got to preform, but I was I'm every part and could barley breath afterwords. I had pretty make up and a nice costume (Retro sailor, very cute!), but I nearly lost my moms make up bag at the Balboa Park Organ Pavilion (I was nearly killed). I finally got my room to myself because the person we were hosting went home, but I had to say goodbye to a lot of nice people. And of course it ultimately means my summer is coming to an end. oh well, I think I will be able to get on with my life eventually. Which reminds me that I didn't reach my goal of finishing half of one of my books. Looks like I know what i am going to be doing these next few days lol. unfortunately today's post is going to be a little short and uneventful, but I promise that I will post a new one very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Omg missy! I love what you've done to your blog. Blog makeover! VERY tasteful. My last One Acts show for the school year, I was the one of the main characters in the last three acts. You're t-i-r-e-d, afterwards. I feel you girl!
