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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well hello again world!!!!! I am so happy to be connecting with you again that I can't even describe it. Well today I saw RPG. So much fun. Full of sweat, pain, tiredness, and discipline, I had so much fun I think I will go again tomorrow. YaY. Well enough about him. Lets get down to business. I will now tell you the story of how this remarkably dull blog came to be....
Well it all started when I woke up that morning to go to ballet. Not really. It started after I got home from ballet and was invited to go ice-skating with my friend, Kammi. When obviously I accepted. But before i got to go, I had to pick up after my TWO GREAT DANES! Well anyways, as I was picking up after my dogs, I was thinking of her lazy brother. Let's call him Big Lazy Tush, BLT. When BLT, Kammi and I where young, we would play together all summer long. Until BLT got to old for us and stayed home to be lazy. So I thought of what I would say to him if he did not go ice-skating with us. Ahem-hem...
"Hey BLT, are you gonna go ice-skating with us?"
"Ah,no. Instead i'm gonna go buy some more video games. That sounds more interesting to me."
"WHAT! BLT, tell me some thing. How long have we known each other?"
"Um, I don't know, a long time."
"Thats right. Now how often do you see me?"
"Hardly ever."
"Correct. I'm just wondering. Are we friends?"
"O.K. let me get this strait, you have an opportunity to spend time with one of your good friends since who knows when that you hardly ever see any more, but you would rather go buy video games?"
"You are going ice-skating with us BLT!"
That was my entire imaginary conversation with BLT. Which later I told my mom about on the way to Kammi's house. She thought it was hilarious and that i should make a blog full of these imaginary conversations. So I did. Well..... I guess that's all for today. TTYL! G2G. wat ev, u get da pointe. Wow now i'm gettin la-Z

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