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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Imaginary conversation

I decided to go back to why I made my blog, MY IMAGINARY THOUGHTS!! So here goes my latest imaginary conversation:
ME- Hello Mr. RPG (Russian Posse, as in ballet, Guy)(My ballet teacher).
RPG- Hello Sinead (In a Russian accent).
ME- Why do you work us so hard?
RPG- Well because you need to. You are terrible, all of you. I myself have danced with Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow, and you are nothing compared to them.
ME- oh.
RPG- Also because I am Russian and have a reputation to protect.
ME- I see.
RPG- good, now go and stretch. You must have over splits by the end of tonight.
Keep in mind that this is an IMAGINARY dialogue, he is actually pretty nice and funny. But looks and talks scary.

-Live long and prosper.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Video bar

As you probably have noticed (if you regularly check my blog) I have added a new gadget, it is of all the video's i have posted of youtube. Hope you like them, if not please let me know! thanks.

Friday, October 15, 2010

New pic

As you can tell I have changed my background picture, as much as i loved my last one it was time for a change.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bon Jour!

Salut tous le monde. Je sais un peux de francias, et je veux écrire on francais. Ma francias n'est pas le plus bon, mais j'essaye. On mon classe française j'ai fait un projet sur la danseuse.

Agnès Letestu était née 1971. Puis une fois quand elle regard la télévision elle a vu La Lac des Cygnes et décidé à commencer faire le ballet Tout d’abord lui était juste un passe temps, mais son mètre M. Bertin encouragé lui á auditionner pour l’école de ballet d’opéra. Quand elle était dix ans, elle a commencé à s'occuper. Elle est devenue la première danseuse a l’école. A l’âge 16 elle est admise dans la corps du ballet.

En 1988 elle était promue à Coryphée, puis en 1989 Sujet, et 1993 elle était première danseuse. Rudolf Noureev, le chorégraphe et le danseur de renommée du monde, a choisis elle pour danser le rôle premier de Gamzatti. Elle aussi a fait les rôles des Odette et Odile, après ça elle était nommée danseuse étoile.

Dans 1989 elle a reçue un médaille d’or du prix de danse d'Eurovision, puis en 1990 elle a reçue un notre médaille d’or de la concurrence de danse de Varna. Dans 2009 elle est arrive à la fin de sa carrier de danse. Mais elle enseigne toujours.

Elle a marié un l’homme françaises et a 2 fille, Marion et Solenn. Marion reçu la talent de sa mère, et s’occupe de France la plupart d’école prestigieuse de ballet. Mais Solenn n’as pas la force pour fiat le ballet.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Okay now I should post part of my time period story. I have been putting off because I don't have it typed, it is hand written in a journal. Enough laziness, here it is:

During the dance of the Black Swan I was in amazement. Natishka
a dancer in the company from Russia danced so beautifully I didn't want to go back on stage, because compared to her my dancing looked incomplete and inexperienced. Natishka's perfect black hair was in a bun with a curl of hair on each side of her face near her cheek bone. Her fierce violet eyes pierced the air, her make up made her eyes come to a finer point. Her black tutu had gold and purple stitching and beads, on her head was black feathered crown. Kirov's hands where on her waist, she had her arms on the shape of a V, her leg almost just as high. At the end of the dance Natishka threw her self at her partner who lifted her in the air. They walked off together Natishka on his shoulder. The lights dimmed and she limped off stage. "Are you alright?" I asked, she just looked at me.
"I'm fine" she replied frustratedly, I wanted to find out what was wrong but i had to finish the second act. During the second intermission I asked what had happened. "Nothing of great importance just an over worked muscle.".... (After the show has ended) I went to my dressing room and started to removed my pointes , and take off my sweaty tutu. While I stated take my head piece out of my hair Madaline ran in. She was still in her swan costume; a white feathered tutu slightly different from my own. Her torso and ears where covered in feathers.
"Oh mon dieu, oh mon dieu OH MON DIEU!!!!" she was running around the small dressing room as if i weren't there.
"What ever is the matter?" I asked pulling out the dress Ms. Chivosky requested that I wear to meet the "Important guests".
"Oh Josette! i did not see you there, can you believe HE was here watching us! Oh what an honor!" she said full of excitement.
"What are you talking about?" I asked
"You do not know who came to see us? Do you not talk to any one?" she asked in return.
"sorry to disappoint you but I don't make it a habit to talk to others while on stage."
"The prince was here! Prince Alfred of England and close royal friends where here watching us!"

Well I wasn't sure what to share with you, I am sure you can guess who the romance is going to be between, but who knows if you are correct.
-D.U. Key

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Das ist miene neues Video(Greman). This is my new video!(English)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


At the request of my mother I am posting a paragraph I had to write for school that has my vocab words,and is about my preferred way of being informed by the media.

I enjoy reading gossip magazines; I find that is my preferred way to keep informed. They always seem to have a sense of ubiquity. I realize that their information is incredulous, but I like their sensationalism. I also find the colorfulness very compelling. They also always have those intriguing captions. To be honest I cannot get enough of the scandals. The writing style is also robust and even if it isn’t credible, which I like. It shows that they don’t care if they could be wrong. I suppose that it is “Yellow Journalism”, and bias, but I prefer their outlandishness. I also like when an article has an opinion, it make them seem more human. Now you know, I like amplified stories with pretty pictures.

personally, i think its funny and i am very proud of it:)

-D.U. Key