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Thursday, November 4, 2010


I have come to a new realization. That is that there are a few things that I absolutely love and obsess over. One of which is Gwen Sefani, which I already new, i just love her. She pretty, original, talented, awsome sense of style that incorporates a lot of my favorites like retro and punk. Now the more recent obsession that i have discovered is Audrey Hepburn. I see her as if not the most beautiful, one of them. I am not so shallow as to only like her for her looks. She also has great talent and fashion sense (I see a pattern here) and she was a ballerina when she was young, AND she did a lot of humanitarian work when she got older. Where I'm going with this is that I practically collect any thing madde by Gwen Stafani and if i see any thing with Audrey I HAVE to get my hands on it. Well now that i have shared one of my flaws with you, do you have any thing you obsess over? It doesn't have to be a peerson like me, any thing. I would just like to know I'm not the only one. Over and out.
-D.U. Key