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Monday, November 26, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

These are from a book my parents recently bought me called Grand Illusions. I simply love photography and film from the 1940's and before, the lighting itself back then was a form of art. They really know how to best display the models and actors despite only having black and white film.

Susan Hayward 1942

Veronica Lake 1941

Barbara Stanwyck 1939

June Collyer 1926

Carol Lombard on the set of The Princess Comes Across 1936

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I happen to love to edit photos, I don't claim to be an expert or amazing, but I thought I'd share a few of my favorites that I have done:)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I don't understand....

I just don't understand how this:
is considered a "perfect" looking couple. While in comparison there used to be this:

and this
I just don't understand.... granted people and styles are not and do not look the same as they used to in the 40's and 50's, but still, I can't see what is so attractive about Brad and Anjelina's relationship. Their relationship did not exactly come about in the most moral of situations, granted neither did Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart's. Yet Lauren and Humphrey were happily married while he was still alive. Which brings up another point, call me old fashioned or what ever, but they aren't even married! Before I start to rant some more about things that will rake up more trouble than what it's worth, I also wanted to compare families. I'm sure you can guess which one I find more appealing.
(I am a sucker for big dogs)

Saturday, November 26, 2011


This is a book review post that I am going to do just for fun:) NOT part of the 2012 debut author challenge. I read the book Vincent Boys. Let me just say, it is addicting!!! I started reading it at 9PM, and stayed up until 2AM to finish it. In stead of going on about the synopsis I'll just give you this link. Any who it was great! I felt that the situations were plausible, and the characters believable. If you know me, you may know I like to relate things to songs/music sooooo..... HERE! I can't think of any song that fits this book as well as this song. Well, maybe I could, but what ever:) I realize this isn't much of a review, but I just wanted to recommend you all read it. For warring! If you don't like Young Adult or romantic books, don't check it out:)

Friday, October 21, 2011


Okay, so really I should be doing home work right now, but I've stressed about it and want to take a break. Whew. um I don't exactly have any thing significant to talk about so I am going to post some pictures I find relaxing. You may not, but hey, every ones different:)

I personally LOVE cherry blossoms they make me so happy and calm.

This just makes me want to sleep in that bed. Big plushy bed, surrounded by water. What could be better?

From personal experience, I can say that there is something to be said for just hanging out back stage with people you see every day for hours on end just chillin'.

Just beautiful and wonderful:)

Again the cherry blossoms:)
Okay so I guess that they aren't relaxing per-say.....

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry for such a long gap of nothing.... thought I might as well and the period of nothingness by posting some pictures I happen to find inspire me:)

First of all, this says sooooo much to me. I feel it tells more than just one story.

This one is very eerie is it not:)

UUUHHHH! I LOVE that sinister look of hers, it either means she plays the part even after the performance, or that she has become her character.....

Stunning is it not? I fully expect to were a dress much the same as this one next time I look in a telescope:)
-P.S. this photo totally makes me think of an alternate future!
I am not quite sure why I absolutely LOVE this photo, but I think it has some thing to do with the fact that the guy is very attractive (in my opinion) and that he is obviously really trying to get the girl. And she knows it:)